Thursday, February 25, 2010

When it rains it pours

And I am not just talking about the awful weather we have been having lately.

So I have been taking medication to help with all my fertility issues. The Provera did its job and I started then I took the clomid. It seems as though the clomid did it's job, but I may have taken the ovulation test to early...On top of all that we found out that both Nick and I have fertility issues. I won't go into what is going on with him, but if this round doesn't work we will be going in for Insemination. I feel sad and this darn rain isn't helping.

In addition to all of this my Dad is having surgery today and so I am worried... ug what a day.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Save Your Judgment

Today a man flew a small plane into a building containing IRS offices. At the moment there is no official word on fatalities; they are saying 2 ppl were injured and 1 person is missing. He left a long letter trying to explain his actions. Of course people are responding in so many ways, calling him crazy or a nut job. I say save your judgment. I DO NOT agree with his actions, but they were the actions of a broken depressed person. He was lost and financially devastated. There are thousands if not millions more people out there that face the same issues. I don't agree with his actions but I am in no place to judge him or call him names. I think the important thing to do is to pray for those affected by his actions and to keep moving forward. Name calling doesn't do anyone any good.

I'm thinking of you Austin.

So it begins

Let the baby making begin! For the last 12 days I was taking something called Provera, this was used to start the menstrual cycle. I usually only have a period every three months or less so that doesn't help when trying to make a baby. Once I finally started I had to wait until day three to start the Clomid, which I did today.
I had some pretty noticeable side effects on the Provera. My moods were all over the place and I hate feeling that way. Most people I have talked to or read about didn't have a reaction to the Provera but they did to the Clomid. Needless to say I am worried that the Clomid is going to cause even crazier mood swings if I was affected by the Provera. I hate feeling out of control. I can catch myself at times in the moment of craziness, but usually it's after the fact when I start thinking about what got me so angry or sad. Nick and I both hope that we conceive baby #2 this go round so I don't have to go through the meds again.
The excitement that I feel right now is so crazy and yet it is kind of muted. I am afraid to get my hopes up. There are so many hurdles. First I have to ovulate, then if I do ovulate I have to time everything just right and still there is only a 20-30% chance on getting pregnant. And that percentage isn't just for me that is the chance every women has every time they ovulate and try to get pregnant. 20-30% ... No wonder they refer to every baby as a miracle ;) We just want another child so badly...
Last night we had the opportunity to see what it would be like to have 3 children, 3yrs and under. It was interesting. We babysat for a friend of mine and her daughter, who is 6 months old (?) is teething. So she was not in the greatest of moods. I ended up holding her in a sling the entire time they were here. The little boy is 3, his bday is also in April so exactly a year older than Noah. He did great, played games, watched videos, and ate all his dinner. I wish I could say the same for Noah. Even though he didn't want my attention or Nicks for that matter (he wanted to play with his friend) he didn't seem to like the fact that a lot if not all of my attention was focused on the teething baby. We finally had to take him to his room and let him have some alone time. It was a challenge but we did it. Of course if we do have 3 children they will not all be under three, unless of course by some twist of fate we have twins. That would be neat, weird, scary...
Well I better run, Noah James says "I wanna play games!" which means I see mommy with her computer and I want to play with it.
:) W

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

It's been a while since I updated so I thought it was about time. The holidays were exhausting! Noah, Millie and I drove to TX at the beginning of December because I was in a wedding. The wedding was beautiful and went off with out any major issues. It was nice having time to spend with friends prior to the xmas excitement. I got to go out with everyone on several occasions and spent way to much money. At the end of the month we all drove home and were soooooooooo ready!
During all the craziness of the holiday Nick's Uncle Brian was getting worse and worse. His liver just couldn't do what it needed to anymore and he gave us a few scares. Luckily he had a transplant today! There is a part of me who feels sad for the person who died but I can't help but feel overjoyed that Brian is getting a chance at life! Now for the recovery.
My weight loss has slowed down but I am not giving up hope that I will reach my goal my the 1 year anniversary. I am trying to get back into the swing of things and getting my rear to the gym on a regular basis. I am at 111 lbs lost so far and look forward to the day when I say I met my goal!
The doc (surgeon) gave us the ok to start trying for baby #2! Unfortunately the weight loss did not increase my fertility. I am not ovulating. So step one is to take Clomid and hope that it works and gets me ovulating, then its up to Nick and I to do the rest. ;) I want a little one so bad. Please oh please work!
I am starting to think more and more seriously about opening a business. I think I would be great at running my own business. The idea I am tossing around is to open a mom friendly cafe. Something that is set up so that kids can play and moms can relax. There is a building down the road for sale that would be perfect and it's a great location. I just have to figure out how to write a business plan and get the capital to start. Oh the possibilities.
Well I better run it's late and I need sleep!